

Migration Consultancy

Moving Data from A - Z

The world of IT is always changing and as a result sometimes you need to take data and processes from one system into another, the most common ones that we are seeing at the moment is the migration from on-premise infrastructure such as email, file storage, web hosting to cloud based solutions such as M365, SharePoint-Online and Google Workspace.


Undo IT Support have over a decade of experience in moving clients from on-premise solutions to the cloud. We currently have a record of 99.9% of data being successfully migration out of almost 1TB of data.

Our Process

We don’t just migrate your data, but your processes as well to help your business scale up to working in the cloud. Our team of Project Managers ensure that your data is evaluated, tested and uploaded with no issues.

We have also helped clients migrate the following:

  • Phone Systems
  • CRM Providers
  • E-Mail
  • File Structures
  • Complex Business Application environments
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